708 x 356cm (Full Size) 24 pieces of works in one series

Twenty-Four Solar Terms:Minor Cold

Room 1208|Acrylic on canvas 118x89cm (23/24), 2024

708 x 356cm (Full Size)24 pieces of works in one series

A segment,
A scene,
And a mood
In endless cycles
Nature's creation
Goes with the flow
Finds peace in every situation

Shao Yung-Tien ( S.Y.T. )

More than thirty-four years of hard work and experience gathered during eras of agricultural, industrial, information technology and the Internet, Shao Yung-Tien established YUIMOM Group as a life-long dream to be accomplished. The group isa business empire encompassing property construction and investment, five-star hotels, serviced apartment, world-class restaurants and a contemporary art museum. He is currently planning the international 5A intelligence building of the highest caliber, leading the group to explore the new era of AI. At the age of 57, Shao Yung-Tien stumbled into his marvelous artistic journey one day when he, at the spur of the moment, decided to paint something for his children.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
《The Free Minds》。ALIEN Art Centre。Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2019.09.10-2020.04.26.
《Infinite Voyage》。ALIEN Art Centre。Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2024.09.11-2025.08.31.

Selected Group Exhibitions
.《The Place Where There Is No Darkness III》. ALIEN Art Centre. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2022.11.01-2023.01.01.
.《The Place Where There Is No Darkness》. ALIEN Art Centre. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2022.04.15-2022.06.24.
.《Encountering Serenity in the midst of Madness. ALIEN Art Centre. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2020.11.15-2022.01.16.

1988 《細漢的時陣》
1999 《存善》
2008 《熟成》
2011 《野孩子》
2014 《有話直說》
2020 《家書》
2024 《家書Ⅱ》







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